Frequently Asked Questions

Are your products latex free?
All Southern Cross Hospital Supplies are LATEX FREE.
Some products contain ‘rubber’ bands to aid with handling and packaging.
These bands are not made of rubber – they are latex free as well.What method do you use to sterilise your products?
Products made by SCHS are Gamma radiated to achieve sterility.

How long is their shelf life?
Stored under dry conditions and not in direct sunlight, sterile products have a shelf life of five years from the date of manufacture.

When not printed on the packaging, manufacture and expiration dates can be determined from the batch number:

Batch numbers beginning with a 2, for example 2906-110, indicate this product was manufactured in 2009 (2906-110) in June (2906-110).
Batch numbers beginning with a 1, for example 1305-219, indicate this product was manufactured in 2013 (1305-219) in May (1305-219).
Imported sterile products, namely Eagle brand ophthamalogical devices have the expiration date printed on the shelf packaging.

Can circuits be reprocessed?
Unless specifically noted, the majority of our breathing circuits are designed (through material selection) not to be reprocessed.

Regardless of the reprocessing procedure there could be an effect on the components which may reduce the integrity of the product.
Southern Cross Hospital Supplies cannot be sure that the reprocessed product would be fit or safe for it’s intended use after such reprocessing.

Determining when a circuit needs to be changed is reliant on individual hospital Infection Control policies.
The use of filters by many customers at the patient end, provides cross contamination protection of the internal paths of circuits.
Only filters used at the patient end of the circuit protect the patient and the circuit from cross contamination.
Depending on Hospital Infection Control policy this could allow the circuit to be used on more than one patient.
Filters used between the circuit and anaesthetic machine, usually on the inspiratory or expiratory ports, depending on hospital policy, can reduce the frequency of machine decontamination.
Southern Cross Hospital Supplies does provide filters with some circuits.
Filters do not address the external contamination that can occur during surgical procedures e.g. coming from surgical plume, spray or aerosols or from repeated handling from staff.
It is unlikely that simply wiping the ridges of a corrugated tube would be effective in preventing contamination.
What is an OPF?
OPF stands for Order Processing Fee. Each order attracts a $25.00 order processing fee which covers freight, packing and all the other little things associated with getting your order filled and delivered promptly.